Welcome to the page of Behavioral Studies Laboratory!

Our Laboratory was launched in 2018 at the Medical University of Lublin. Since then our team is continuously developing by introducing new young scientists and setting up new collaborative studies. In our work, we use different behavioral assays to investigate the pharmacological profile of drugs. We focus on central nervous system disorders and link behavioral response to different treatments with its biochemical background. Recently we have also expanded our interest to zebrafish as behavioral and toxicological model. We are creative and always ready for new challenges. Thus, do not hesitate as we are always interested in hearing from potential collaborative researchers.



16 april 2021

We are happy to inform that the projects of our friends:

Monika Maciąg, "Zebrafish-based social interaction model - the involvement of oxytocin and amphetamine derivatives"


Łukasz Kurach, "Model of synthetic cannabinoids-induced seizures in Danio rerio " 

 have been awarded internal grant funding from the Medical University of Lublin.

Congratulations and good luck!


16 september 2020

We are happy to inform that the project of our friend Agnieszka Michalak entitled "The role of neuropeptide Y in noradrenergic modulation of recognition and procedural memory" has been awarded grant funding from the Polish National Science Centre under the 4th edition of MINIATURA call. The project will be conducted in collaboration with Dr Vardan Karamyan from Jerry H. Hodge School of Pharmacy, Amarillo, Texas, USA.
Congratulations and good luck!

21 september 2020

We are happy to inform that the project of our friend Monika Maciąg has been awarded grant founding from the Polish Zebrafish Society under the 1st edition of Travel Grant to PhD students. The project will be conducted in collaboration between the Department of Biopharmacy (Medical University of Lublin) and Zebrafish Laboratory of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. The main aim of visit is to uncover how zebrafish heart responds to cardiotoxic and cardioprotective treatment.

11 november 2020

We are happy to inform that the project of our friend Olga Wronikowska entitled "Searching for the molecular bases of mephedrone-induced biphasic response to social interactions in rats" has been awarded grant funding from the Polish National Science Centre under PRELUDIUM 19 call. 

The project will be conducted under the supervision of Barbara Budzyńska.


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